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Getting Published in a Law Review
- 1). Find a law review you want to submit your article to. You may need to submit your article to many law reviews before getting it published, so don't be too discriminating in this step. See "Resources" for a link to a list of potential law reviews.
- 2). Write a one-page cover letter and a one-page abstract. Every article submission must include this material. In both the cover letter and abstract, you should briefly state the importance of your article and why it should be published. Don't mention that you are a student in either of these documents. See "Resources" for a link to a sample cover letter and abstract.
- 3). Prepare your resume and make sure it contains no typos.
- 4). Format and edit the article to meet the requirements of the publication you are submitting your article to. Make sure that you've met all requirements. Most law reviews require single spacing and the use of footnotes rather than endnotes. Furthermore, many require the use of the Bluebook citation format, which is common among law publications.
- 5). Choose a good time to submit your article submission package. The best times are March and August. However, April and September are usually decent times as well. Submitting from October through February is not recommended.
- 6). Wait for an offer. When you do receive an offer, it comes with a deadline. Notify the law review before the offer expires. If you have multiple offers, it is customary for you to choose what is best for you. Choose the most prestigious offer, in this case.
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