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Sleep Apnea Cures and Treatments
If these interventions do not improve your symptoms and signs if when your apnea is mild to severe, there are various treatments in place.
Certain medical appliances can be used to unblock your airway.
In some instances surgery may be essential.
The common Sleep Apnea cure includes: Therapies CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure): If you are suffering from mild to severe Sleep Apnea, you can get help from a device which delivers airs pressure via a facade placed on your nose as you sleep.
The principle behind this therapy is that the air pressure is greater compared to the surrounding air, and is adequate to sustain air passage open, thus preventing snoring and apnea.
Though CPAP is the most preferred treatment method for Sleep Apnea cure, some individuals find it uncomfortable and cumbersome.
But with practice, a lot of people easily learn to manage the tensions which results from straps to obtain a secure and a comfortable fit.
The other option for Sleep Apnea cure is oral appliances.
These oral appliances are designed and worn to keep your airway open.
They are easier to use, however, less effective compared to CPAP.
Some of them are designed to maintain your throat open through pulling your jaw forward.
Surgery The reason for surgery is to remove any excess tissue that may be causing vibrations in the throat leading to snoring.
Some of the surgical procedures are: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP): in this type of surgery, the doctor removes tissues from the top of your throat going down to the rear of your mouth.
This procedure may be a temporary Sleep Apnea cure as some tissues may still be formed further down the throat.
Maxillomandibular advancement: this procedure involves moving of the jaw forward to give space to soft pate behind the tongue subsequently reducing the obstructions.
Trachestomy: this form if surgery is done when all the others have failed and the condition has become life threatening.
During the procedure the doctor drills an opening on your neck and puts a plastic or metal tube to allow you to breathe.
There are other types of preventive and therapeutic procedures to treat sleep apnea.
It all depends on the cause of the disease and the risk factors.
The effects of the procedures will also depend on the health condition of the body.
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