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Yahoo's Trademark Policy
- Trademarks, copyrights and patents are all forms of intellectual property and are protected by a variety of federal and state laws, as well as by international agreements. Trademarks identify commercial items, copyright covers creative works such as photographs and novels, and patents protect inventions. Yahoo! has corporate policies that apply to trademarks and other forms of intellectual property.
- Yahoo!'s official "Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy" is posted on its website. The policy provides guidance to anyone who feels that a personal or business trademark, copyright or other intellectual property was used without appropriate permissions. The policy instructs users to contact Yahoo!'s "Agent for Notice" to report potential violations.
- Yahoo!'s "Permission Requests" offers guidance for anyone wanting to use the company's trademarks or other intellectual property. The instructions include Yahoo's "Guidelines for use of Yahoo! Brand Features," a Request for Approval form and the address for submitting the request to the company's Permissions Agent.
- Yahoo!'s search feature is powered by Microsoft's Bing search technology. Yahoo! directs users to Microsoft's "Trademark Concern Forms" for policies and concerns regarding trademarks that appear in Yahoo!'s search results.
Intellectual Property
Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy
Permission Requests
Trademarks in Search Results
Source: ...