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Building Self-Worth and Discipline
It's a requirement for succeeding at anything achievable.
A person can measure their personal self-discipline by how well he/ she perform in small tasks.
So say if you all ready knew that self discipline was the #1 key to success and you still ask yourself why you're not achieving the results you expected then it could very well be the result from a lack of self-discipline.
Self-discipline is not something you do it's how you react to a certain feeling within yourself.
It could be said to be the equivalent of exercising or anything else you would do on a repetitive basis to establish a repeatable and predictable habit.
Very simply put, do the opposite of your content feelings or anything else that changes your focus until you've built up your self-worth to take them on as challenges.
I personally came to the realization that mostly everything I've tried to accomplish within the past 2 years of my life has failed because of a lack of personal self discipline and low self-worth.
Part of this came from spending close to $300,000.
on business ideas, domains, trademarks, stocks forex and a couple toys only with ideal outcomes for guidance.
Looking back all I could say that it was entirely fault as to how I got into losing all that money and not really having anything to show for it.
In order to make your failures a success, you have to learn from them.
This starts by taking personal responsibility for your failures and seeking how you can form a new habit.
If I had only one way to save you time, money and the experience of failing then I would tell you to reflect on your failures and hold those experiences close to you so you increase your self-worth.
There a few personal traits that can hinder your self-worth, self-discipline and effect everything else in your life.
The first personality trait is your ego and wanting to believe that you are always right.
It can be admirable quality only if used correctly or else it will be the very roadblock to self-discipline and self-worth.
The best way to understand this concept is comparing it to the body or anything else that relies on a set ratio of traits in order to produce the desired result.
Since the body as a complex organism depends on the right amount of nutrition, exercise and water to function properly, personal qualities and traits like self-discipline and others are great to have and most effective when used together in the right balance.
Now how do you build your self-worth and self discipline? I personally looked at my life and asked myself, what habit or repeatable task do I do on a consistent basis that naturally comes easy to me? For me it was brushing my teeth every night before I go to bed.
So I thought to myself, OK how did I get that habit to form? I remembered back when my dentist said that he could see my teeth eroding from not brushing and the more that times I missed brushing my teeth, the more my teeth were going to erode.
So I decided that brushing my teeth everything will have a permanent and positive result for my efforts.
So the answer is set out to make little changes yet keeping those little changes until a habit forms.
Habits are like pearls, it takes some sand or irritation to begin the cycle of a beautiful thing.
So look at your challenges you face in life and take them one at a time.
Start with making small changes towards building self-discipline is the best way to get started.
Always remember that it's the self-discipline that determines your self-worth.
You can have all the money, fame and whatever else a person may want but its absolutely worthless without self worth which comes from self-discipline.
Look for the irritations of your personal challenges in your life.
They are bits of sand waiting to be transformed into pearls.
You could expect to see perm ant habits formed after at least 2 months of consistent efforts towards established self-discipline towards your challenge.
Life is all about how we face our challenges and what we do with them.
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