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How to Deal With Your Relationship Breakup
You are going through an incredible amount of pain and emotional trauma at the moment but I want you to consider for a moment is the relationship totally dead.
Everyday across the world people get back together after some bad splits, if you still love your partner and think that they might still have feelings for you need to fight for your future happiness.
If there is no way back then I appreciate that how to deal with a relationship breakup is an exercise in pure misery, but one where there is a light at the end of the tunnel, one where there is hope for the future, you just have to believe.
With the breakup of your relationship you have lost the half that made you a whole, the person who you shared your hopes, dreams and emotions with is now gone.
I do not know the circumstances of your split but you must have had some good times together.
You need to grieve for the life that you have lost and until you are able to deal with that, and put your past firmly in the past, then you will not be able to move on.
One thing that you should not do is to bottle all your feelings up, that is not healthy and will prolong unnecessarily the grief that you are going through.
When you deal with your relationship breakup you do not have to do it alone.
You have a ready built support network in your friends and family, do not freeze them out, they are there for you.
If there are support groups in your area go along to them, there you will find people who know what you are going through and you will find support to help you through the darkness and into the light.
Be very careful not to isolate yourself, cutting yourself away from the rest of the world will likely affect both your mental and physical health, you need to devote your energies to getting through this and building a new life.
If your breakup has caused you to lose your social network then go out and build a new one.
Make the effort to go out and meet people, join networking groups, do community work, find new interests! Whilst you are doing all this it will distract you from brooding on the past, it will focus you on the present and will eventually help you to look forward to the future.
Please do not forget that the whole purpose of this is moving on, brooding on negative issues, whilst understandable will halt the healing process and stop you moving on.
Keep on reminding yourself that you do have a future and that the sooner you get to work on building it, the sooner you get the chance to find happiness.
You need to take care of yourself after the breakup.
The emotional turmoil that you are going through will leave your health vulnerable so take it easy and cut down on the sources of stress.
Make a point of doing some kind of calming activity everyday, read, listen to music or go for a walk, this will help you to relax and unwind.
Do not make any major decisions until you are confident that you are in control of your emotions.
Whilst food and alcohol can provide a temporary stop gap to your feelings of loneliness, it really is only temporary but the damage that you could do to your health and feelings of self esteem could be far more permanent.
You have been through or maybe are still going through a bad experience.
You need to try and understand what happened to bring you to this and you have to accept responsibility for any part that you could have played.
All too many relationships founder because couples stop communicating with each other.
If you do not communicate then how do you know your partners needs and emotions, and how do they know yours.
If you are able to rebuild your relationship or move on to a new one, never stop spending time with your partner, enjoy each others company, confide in each other, be prepared to compromise and present a unified front against any problems that could try and sneak in and ruin your relationship.
You will not deal with your relationship breakup overnight, it will take time, so be patient but however it works out for you, I really hope that you are able to find happiness.