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This formula also contains a few ingredients that make a regular appearance in diet products such as Green Tea and Garcinia Cambogia. But can stress really be blamed for all the extra weight dieters fight? And if so, does TheraStress hold the answer to the issue of belly fat?
Ingredients at a Glance
TheraStress consists of Rhodiola, Sczandra Berry, Green Tea, Reishi Mushrooms, Ginseng, Eleuthero, and Garcinia Camobogia.
Ingredients in Focus
All of the ingredients in TheraStress save Garcinia Cambogia are considered adaptogens, herbal remedies that are known to reduce stress levels. Rhodiola and Sczandra Berry have other purposes, supporting nervous and heart health respectively.
Ginseng, Eleuthero, and Reishi Mushrooms are considered tonics for overall health. These three ingredients relieve stress by working on both the nervous and circulatory systems.
Green Tea contains caffeine, making it a stimulant as well as a diuretic. Green Tea does not burn fat as many believe, but rather helps the body shed excess water weight and thereby temporarily dropping the numbers on the scale. Garcinia Camobogia is used as an anti-inflammatory and may be an appetite suppressant as well, though its primary use seems to be culinary rather than medicinal.
-Contains several ingredients that may help relive stress
-Does not contain a proven fat burner or appetite suppressant
-Formula is meant to relieve stress, weight loss being a secondary benefit
-Caffeinated because of its inclusion of Green Tea
Final Thoughts
TheraStress may help the body cope with stress by administering several adaptogens, but this does not mean weight loss will necessarily follow. Even if TheraStress prevents some stress related weight from piling on, it is not designed to take off existing fat deposits. For the best weight loss results you will likely need to take a formula that is made with a fat burner and appetite suppressant. This combination ensures you will be able to fight cravings and take off extra pounds. Of course no diet pill is effective without being used in combination with a solid weight loss program; all dieters should see a balanced diet and regular exercise as their main means of losing weight.
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