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The 3 Things You Need To Make Money Online
One presenter at that event made it sound so simple to make money online. He had been making money on the internet for over a decade and he was a millionaire several times over. He said all you need to start making money online are a website, a product, and traffic. Then he proceeded to sell me a $5,000 course from the stage.
Here are a few of the details that he left out.
1. Website: If you just want to make money online, then just about any ol' website will work. However, if you want to build a long term internet business, the type of website is just as important as having an internet presence.
The most profitable type of website that you can have online, bar none, is a squeeze page. A squeeze page allows you to participate in the most profitable activity online, which is building a list.
2. Product: Products in every imaginable industry are being sold online. To be successful at selling products on the internet, you need to research the market that you intend to sell your products to first.
This research is called keyword research. You are looking for two things when you do keyword research: demand and competition. You want to sell products with high demand and low competition.
3. Traffic: There is nothing in life that comes without a price. This is especially true when referring to generating traffic online. There are two types of online traffic: Free and Paid
Most people start with free traffic, because they do not have a marketing budget (money to lose).
If you choose to focus on free traffic strategies you will spend a lot of time blogging, writing articles, and posting in forums. In the big scheme of things time is more valuable than money, because when you spend time, you will never get it back.
With paid traffic strategies you will get much quicker results, but you will need to go through a learning curve. If you just throw your money at traffic without learning how to market, you will end up growing broke fast.
It really is simple to make money online once you master these three things. That is why the gurus make it sound so simple, and look so easy€¦because they have mastered the art of making money online.
Making money online may be a struggle at first, but it is definitely a skill worth learning.