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5 Principles for Creating a Life of Love and Abundance

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It is through the daily practice of the 5 Reiki Principles that you can transform your life into a life filled with love and abundance and help bring about the healing that our world so desperately needs.
Following are The Five Reiki Principles and an explanation how each when practiced can effortlessly and naturally bring to you peace and joy within.
1) Just for Today, I Will Live in the Attitude of Gratitude To live in gratitude is to live in abundance.
When we feel thankful for what we have received and for what we know and trust will be provided, we magnetically attract abundance.
If you focus on what you do not have, you will continue to be in lack.
There is nothing lacking on this planet.
It is the distribution system that has gone astray due to our illusions about lack.
Also, human's greed, due again to thoughts of lack, has kept us in lack.
To live in a state of gratitude is to know at the core of your being that all is one, that separation is an illusion.
Another important factor is to be able to accept the abundance that is right in front of you and is rightfully yours.
If you feel subconsciously "unworthy" of the riches and wealth of the Universe, you will block the flow of abundance to you.
Often a bit of discipline is often needed to change old patterns and create a prosperous flow.
Making an effort to constantly bring your conscious awareness back to an attitude of gratitude will set up a magnetic attraction to abundance.
Reiki self treatments will help to clear away old subconscious patterns which might be blocking your flow of prosperity.
Begin now to live in abundance.
Just for Today, Live in the Attitude of Gratitude! 2) Just for Today, I will not Worry Worry is a thought pattern which results from a feeling of separateness from the Universal Wholeness.
To worry is to forget that there is a Divine or Universal purpose in everything.
When we are truly in tune with the guidance of our Higher Selves, and live each day to the best of our ability, the rest is up to the Universal Life Force.
To worry about the past is futile.
We must remember that each person (including ourselves) does the best that he can in each of life's situations, in accordance with the knowledge or wisdom he has at any given moment.
We are all products of our conditioning and tend to react and behave accordingly.
To worry about the future is also futile.
Expect the best in life.
When you receive something different than what you expect, trust that this is the best for you in your present situation.
Surrender to your Higher Self and try not to interfere with the Universal timing of happenings in your life.
Know that in your perfect flow there is a synchronicity of events.
Worrying results from illogical and irrational patterns of thought.
This creates more limitations.
Surrender today to your Higher Self's plan and release yourself from worry.
Just for Today, Do Not Worry! 3) Just for Today, I will not Anger To anger is to desire control.
This results from our feeling out of control and out of synchronization with our Divine or Universal Life purpose.
Allowing our ego to direct our life can often cause anger when things do not unfold as to our expectations.
Anger, in reality, is a totally unnecessary emotion.
Every thought that we think sets up a cause, and the effect may come back when we least expect it.
Those who happen to "press our button" or stimulate our weak points, are not really the cause of our anger.
By observing our reactions to others, we can determine what issues of attachment are still at work within our own psyches and begin to change negative patterns.
What we can do is tone down our reactions by expressing in a calm way how someone's negative statement or action has made us feel.
The best action to take, in the beginning of any episode, is not to react, but to send love.
Anger is a very disharmonious energy which can create disease in the body.
It would be of great benefit to learn to transform this energy by dealing with it constructively.
While attempting to reprogram our old anger tapes, we must allow ourselves to release our emotions, and not hold anger in.
Smile, and Just for Today, Do Not Anger! 4) Just for Today, I Will Do My Work Honestly To be honest with oneself is to face the truth in all things.
This is of utmost importance to a harmonious life.
When we deny the truth about reality in our life and are ultimately faced with truth, we may become severely upset.
To live in truth is to align yourself with your Higher Purpose.
Living in Truth is also the simplest, least complex way to live.
Truth brings clarity! Living a life of illusion is complex.
When we face life honestly, we can more clearly see the lessons that we are here to learn.
We can then complete them with much less effort.
If we are honest with ourself, we are more likely to project honesty onto others.
It then becomes easy to "do unto others as you would have others do unto you".
When we do our work honestly, we are being truthful to our Higher Self.
This Truth is reinforced by love for ourself and love for others.
In turn, this helps to create harmony in our life.
Live in Truth, and.
Just for Today, Do Your Work Honestly! 5) Just for Today I Will Show Love and Respect for Every Living Being We are all of one source.
We are all connected.
Through the study of physics, we now know that we are all a collective energy from the same source.
There is no solid matter, only different levels of vibration.
And, while all forms of matter vibrate at different energy levels, all are interconnected, because there are no solid barriers between them.
All forms of life are interdependent on each other.
Thus, when we accept all of the various aspects of ourselves, it affects all others.
When we accept others, we too feel the reflection in ourselves.
Each person, animal, plant and mineral is included in the Whole.
So, any positive energy, whether directed at ourselves or at others, helps to heal the entire planet.
To prevent destructive changes, we must be sensitive to the delicate ecological balance, and treat all living forms with love and respect.
In order to survive, we have discovered that we have to drop our self-centered tendency to want to control nature.
At the beginning of each day, make this commitment.
Just for Today I Will Show Love and Respect for Every Living Being! I encourage you to incorporate these 5 Reiki Principles into your life and allow your natural flow of love and abundance to begin.
Charlsie Winston www.
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