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Discover How to Squat More As Well As What"s Holding Your Squat Back Now
If I can take a moment and be really honest with you...
I am NOT the greatest squatter in the world.
I've got a decent squat, but squatting does NOT come naturally to me.
I'm tall enough that the movement isn't really natural to me, and I'm much better at deadlifting.
But, as a result, I've had to work really hard to get to where I am now, and I'd like to share with you a couple things that I've picked up along the way.
The first thing that I learned, and I learned this the hard way, is that if you really want to start squatting heavy, you've GOT to start squatting deep.
That means below parallel.
I recommend finding something to use as a guide to help you squat deep enough.
Try and find a box, or some of those stackable step things, or even just a low bench, but whatever you use, it should stack up to about a foot high.
Maybe a little more if you're over 6 foot tall.
Now, make sure that every single rep you hit that mark.
It'll be uncomfortable at first, and you wont' be able to squat as much, but you'll be squatting the right way, and you'll reap much greater gains in muscle and strength if you squat deep.
The second piece of advice I have for you is to widen your stance.
Your feet should be at probably at least one and a half times your shoulder width.
Keep your toes pointed relatively straight forward.
This will be a bit uncomfortable at first, and again, it'll take some practice, and you'll start out being weaker than you were, but once you develop the flexibility needed for this then you'll start to see some prety big increases in your squat.
My last piece of advice for you is to start breathing big.
I've got a buddy who's got a huge squat, and his motto is "Big Belly" And every time I squat, I hear him chanting, Big belly, big belly! What he means is this: When you squat, or really when you do any exercise in which you need a stable core (all the major power lifting exercises), then you need to completely fill up your diaphragm with air.
A good way to learn to do this is to look in the mirror and practice breathing without moving your shoulders.
During each repetition of your squat, hold your breath, and maintain that super stable 'big belly', and you'll instantly see an increase in your squat.
This is something that a lot of people sort of do by instinct, but that once they learn how to do correctly it makes a huge difference in their squat.
Anyways, give these techniques a try, and I guarantee you you'll be well on your way to that huge squat you want.
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