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Fitness Is a Must
I know for some this part may be hard to wrap your mind around but just as a baby does not come out of the womb running marathons, this too will take some time to develop.
However, as a 'My Life" expert, it's my job to share the benefits of choosing an active lifestyle versus one of mediocrity and simply existing, because after all it is a choice - your choice.
In this short post, you will read something that will IMPACT you in a positive way and learn that you don't need fancy equipment, or a gym membership in order to improve your life for the better! This will in turn, INSPIRE you to do something about your own fitness, if not already doing so, and perhaps you learn something here that will help to IMPROVE your fitness routine for the better! Now let's talk a piece of fitness equipment that is often overlooked, yet it is by far, one thing that I can not be without! You can take it anywhere and use it just about anywhere and it it probably the most inexpensive item in your fitness arsenal.
I am talking about the jump rope.
To look at it, you would think that it's no problem and you might be thinking "that is no sweat, and I can jump rope for hours!" Perhaps you can, but for the majority, this little rope, can make turn the tuff into timid after just 10 minutes! Speaking of 10 minutes, did you know that skipping rope at a moderate level can be the equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging? Yes that is right! That is why I have trouble with the fact that most people overlook this piece of equipment opting for something that cost more and is inferior to a simple jump rope! You will notice that a boxer (amateur or pro) uses this rope as a cornerstone of their fitness routine, but I digress.
So let me tell you how I used in this fitness tune up session! After my five minutes of warm up, followed by light stretching, I would start skipping rope at a moderate pace for one minute! Then I would step to the 45 pound barbell with some light weight (it was my light day so forgive me) and power clean with overhead thrust for a minute.
Then, with only 9 seconds to get to the next station, I would pound away on the truck tire with the eight pound sledge hammer for one minute.
After doing all three stations, that would be one round complete.
Now what you need to know is I set my timer up for 12 to 15, one minute rounds (depending on how I feel) and I don't rest until all rounds are completed! Now you need to know it was not always like this for me! This is not to impress you, as much as it is to impress upon you that fitness is a must.
And having a heart attack as my wake up call to change my eating habits and get back to fitness is what did it for me! Now I like to think that I had that heart attack so you don't have to.
So hopefully you have been impacted, and inspired in a positive way and you now want to improve yours or the live of someone you know, because we all have a purpose for being here! The purpose for my life is to use it as a means to helping others IMPROVE their life! No, it does not have to intense like what was described here but it should be something! I don't care if it's walking everyday, swimming or whatever, as long as it's something! Well that about all I have for today, as my purpose is not to preach to you but to share with you! After all...
"It's Not About Me - It's About The Purpose Of M.
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