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Classroom Management Tips - Dealing With the Noisy Class
Allow some cooling off time of a few minutes after transitions and breaks to allow them to settle.
Use this time to chat to individuals and small groups, settle them, deal with any problems and establish a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
Teach ROUTINES to the students Routines are the perfect way to develop consistency in the classroom - they give your students a clear roadmap to follow and reduce confusion as well as excuses for misbehavior.
An example of a routine at the start of the lesson is the countdown technique.
Mix this with with lots of proximity praise and there is a chance students will develop a habit of quietening down when you ask them...
"5; OK it's time to stop and look this way.
Excellent, very quick on that table.
4; pens should be down, books and mouths should be closed, very good you two, you're listening to me.
3; still too much noise over here, that side of the room are perfect.
2; Just waiting for the last few people now, all conversations should be stopped, hands on the desk in front of you.
Well done, you've got it.
1; thank you.
Have a visual reminder of noise levels such as coloured cards/traffic lights or a 'noise level meter'.
When green is up the noise level in the room is fine.
Orange - warning, level is too high and needs to drop immediately.
If it doesn't drop after an agreed time, red card goes up.
Stop the activity, take a minute off break and insist on silent working for 5 minutes.
Take control at the door - don't let them in the room until they're quiet The lesson actually starts outside the room - if students are uncontrollable outside the door there is no point in letting them in - the behavior standard has already been set.
Spend time speaking to students in the corridor in a friendly calm manner - set the tone for the lesson.
Shouting and giving orders breeds a desire to retaliate.
When you are ready, tell them to line up quietly, those that do so can go straight in the room and get on with a starter activity.
The others either didn't hear you or are choosing not to.
Either way, they need a little more calm persuasion.
This is the time to iron out problems they may have, settle disagreements etc.
- not inside the room.
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