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Personal Safety & Security : Home & Garden

How to Prevent Worn Out Knees on Dress Suit Pants

Dress suit pants are normally made out of a thinner material than regular-wear pants. Cotton and polyester blends are common fabrics, but silk and wool are also used, according to Overstock.com. That's why they can wear out faster, especially in the knees. Dress suit pants can also be pricey to buy.

How to Germinate Sunflowers With Paper Towels

Germination occurs when a seed coating splits open and a sprout emerges. Most seeds require moisture and warm temperatures in order to germinate, and while many plants will germinate in the soil, some plants and flowers are best germinated before planting. To successfully grow sunflowers from seeds,

Ways to Kill Cockroaches

Cockroaches are hardy insects that can be difficult to kill if they manage to enter you home. Though it may take some time and a great deal of effort to achieve success, there are many options available for cockroach control. Commercial pesticides and repellents can help get rid of a cockroach infes

Hygiene and Your Door Handles

Door handles serve a very important function in our homes and business properties and help to make our doors much more useful and pleasant to use. Door handles don't only provide security, but they also ...

6 Top Tips to Safeguard Your Home During Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful occasion to spend time with your family. At Christmas, everybody is busy enjoying the festive time, eating their favorite foods, and having a happy and memorable time with family. However, there ...

How to Recycle Cans & Glass

Glass items and cans are not considered biodegradable materials. This means that they can stay in a landfill for thousands of years before showing the slightest signs of decomposition. This can be easily avoided by taking your glass items and cans to your local recycling center to be remade into new

How to Safely De-flea a Home With an Infant

Fleas find their way into your home on pets, as well as on your family. Once inside, they multiple, and a small number of fleas can become a full-blown infestation in a short period of time. Commercial flea treatments to de-flea your pets and home often contain toxic chemicals that are potentially d

Ultrasonic Burglar Alarms & How They Work

IdentificationAn ultrasonic alarm --also known as a silent alarm- is a system that lets out a siren that's inaudible to the human ear. Banks typically use these types of systems. As far as home security goes, having a quick response team in place like the system's corresponding call...

How to Clean the Inside of a Meat Grinder

A meat grinder, either manual or electric, is a must if you make homemade sausages or prefer freshly ground hamburger. Cleaning the appliance, especially on the inside, is crucial. All traces of meat must be removed to prevent dangerous bacterias -- and smells -- from forming so that the grinder is

Lost Car Keys

Losing car keys is a normal situation, which is faced by many people round the globe. And this situation worsens when you come to know that you've left your spare car keys at home.

How to Charge a Lithium Ion Battery

Lithium ion batteries are highly efficient and widely used in laptops, cell phones and similar devices. When you charge a lithium ion battery, ions are forced into the anode and cathode of the battery by the electric current. The process of charging is simple, provided you follow some simple precaut

What Happens at a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is conducted as part of the home-purchasing process, and its purpose is to disclose to the potential buyers the physical condition of the home. The buyers should be present in the house when the inspection takes place to ask questions as the inspector makes his way throughout the i

How to Operate a Smoke Detector

By operating smoke detectors in your home you could save yourself and your loved ones from a deadly fire. Smoke detectors provide an early warning signal allows you time to escape before a fire spreads. There are three types of fire detectors: ionization detectors that sound quickly when a fast bur

Wireless Security Cameras Are the Latest in Technology

If you are looking for a top of the line home security system, the Internet is your resource. You'll find a number of interesting features with the newest home security systems, including the availability of wireless security cameras. This type of protection gives a home or business owner great

How to Make Clothes Smell Fresh From the Washer

When clothes come out of the washing machine, you expect them to not only look clean, but smell that way too. We trust our appliances to do the job they’re intended for, so when newly washed clothing comes out smelling dirty, musty or otherwise unpleasant, the garment seems just as dirty as be

How to Clean Mildew From a Shower Curtain Liner

Your shower curtain is a prime location for the growth and spread of mildew. Because it's exposed, sometimes on a daily basis, to moist heat, your shower curtain often becomes stained with black or pink mildew stains. It's possible to remove mildew from your shower curtain liner without using expens

Sprays to Kill Carpenter Bees

Remove harmful pests with a quick shot of insecticide.ANTI-MOSQUITO AND ANTI-BUG SPRAY. OPEN AND CLOSE. image by Maxim_Kazmin from Fotolia.comSpraying is one of several methods for killing carpenter bees. The active ingredients and their concentrations determine how effective they are....