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What You Need to Know about Synthetic Collagen
Being able to replicate this complex protein that's responsible for the body's powerful healing ability could virtually solve the problems associated with aging. But has science succeeded in creating an effective synthetic collagen protein?
I guess that depends on what you consider "effective."
It's true that cosmetic scientists have developed a synthetic collagen that is effectively used by dermatologists in collagen injections. But this cosmetic substance isn't, technically, synthetic. It comes from cows and pigs.
And while dramatic results are achieved with collagen injections, they are not without drawbacks.
This form of anti aging skin care can be costly, painful and involve an extended recovery time. Furthermore, the results don't last. The procedure has to be repeated every three or four months in order to maintain the anti wrinkle effect.
Other types of synthetic collagen have been produced for use in a wide variety of skin care products and health supplements. But these man-made forms of the collagen protein are basically useless.
They lack the molecular complexity that would make them compatible with human skin. The molecules that make up this synthetic collagen are too big and clumsy to be of any use to human cells.
So does this mean that your only option for younger looking skin are collagen injections? Absolutely not! Younger, healthier is skin is not a cosmetic's a health issue.
Lines, wrinkles and sagging skin are signs that you body's own natural collagen production has slowed down. A healthy approach to this problem means naturally reenergizing this production.
Think of it like this: what do you do when you're tired and need an energy boost? You eat something nutritious, right?
Your skin cells are no different. When they're are tired and need a boost, feeding them with healthy nutrients gets them back up and running again… including producing normal levels of collagen.
But how do you feed skin cells?
Simple. The latest in healthy skincare science has discovered that special substances found in Nature contain the molecular complexity, compatibility necessary for easy absorption and use by the skin.
Additionally, these bio-active substances contain energizing nutrients that feed, stimulate and support healthy cell function.
Consider, for example, a substance called Cynergy TK. Extracted from the wool of a special New Zealand sheep, this natural substance contains keratin, a complex protein found in the structure of human skin.
In clinical tests, Cynergy TK has been shown to reinforce skin structure, tensile strength, thickness and elasticity. It also has been shown to stimulate new skin cell growth.
Unlike synthetic collagen, this substance creates a natural, healthy result. You could never achieve this type of outcome with collagen injections.
So until the day that science can create a truly safe, effective synthetic collagen, do yourself a favor and stick to natural substances that have been clinically proven to support the healthy, youthful appearance of your skin.
Learn more details about these breakthrough substances at my web site.
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