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Warhammer Online Guide: a Look at the Witch Hunter
Leveling a witch hunter like levelling all other classes can be quite tedious if you don't know what you are doing. I fully recommend trying goblins Warhammer online guide on levelling from 1-40 in less than 3 days. The witch hunter has an aoe tactic for their main skill and many AoE skills useful for PvE farming and gaining gold; add in your main trade skill and you've got a gold influx!
Witch Hunters have many healing debuffs, combined with their AOE damage skills they can shut down healing in a area rather quickly, but the way to deal with a witch hunter is to sever blessing when they start to use repel blasphemy, this skill while not offensive is one of the most dangerous in their arsenal and allows them to avoid all physical damage for 5 seconds and then counter with a 5 second disarm which stops you for a full 10 seconds. Sever this and you will without a doubt win against most witch hunters.
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