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450 Profession Skill Level In 1 Day - No Way!
Obviously the toughest thing about using your profession to better your character in the game is that it usually takes a long time to build up sufficient skill points to be able to do anything even remotely useful!
Then after you have built up a half-decent skill level you will probably realise, just as I and millions of others have before (literally millions) that you have wasted your time building up a profession that is not suited to your character!
It is often extremely frustrating for players in the WoW world to discover that they have spent hours levelling up their skills in a profession that is not suited to their class. This has happened to me more than once and happens to thousands of players in Azeroth every week.
I consider myself to be fairly lucky though in the sense that when I made the mistake of levelling up the wrong profession for me I was able to recover quickly. I read, what seemed like, hundreds of forum postings in an attempt to find information on the professions and lucky found one that suited me really well (turned out to be tailoring who would've guessed -eh?!).
Whatever you do try not to waste your precious play time building up your skill points in a profession that is almost completely useless to your character! I have seen players waste their time getting to the high 300s just to discover that their profession is only good for selling stuff they've made at the auction house. Now getting more gold is great but your profession should also help you to power up your character!
If you are an average player with limited experience then you can expect to level up to 350 in a day or less. With some extra time, or if you are an experienced player, you can level your skill to 450 sometimes in as little as 1 day! So check out the information given below.
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