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Electronic Predator Call Tricks & Tips
- There are a number of commercial electronic predator calls available offering a variety of features. Look for features like remote operation, a variety of calls and volume control. The hunter should choose the best model that fits his budget.
Electronic predator calls offer more variety than manual calls. Calls such as distress calls from prey animals, coyote yelps and howls and even mouse squeak are included in some electronic predator calls. Some sounds work better than others depending on the circumstances and the season of the year. Hunters often need to experiment to determine what works in drawing in predators.
While experimenting, the hunter needs to also practice some basic hunting skills. While the sounds of the electronic predator call can carry up to a mile, so can any other noise the hunter makes. Keep quiet and avoid movement.
It is difficult for one hunter to watch all approaches the game animal may take to the sound. This is one of the advantages to the remote-operated electronic predator calls. The hunter can stay a distance away from the call and may have a better view of the approaching predator. Another technique involves two hunters sitting back to back. They should have a view of any approaching animal.
Predator hunters also need to remain invisible to both the eyes and nose of the predator. Camouflage is normally worn by predator hunters. Masking scents are often used around the hunter's area.
The predator hunters may encounter a variety of game while using an electronic predator call. Hunters usually pursue coyotes and fox but occasionally encounter bobcats, lynx or even cougars. Regulations prohibit the use of electronic predator calls in some states. Check existing laws before using.
Electronic predator calls can also be used by wildlife photographers. Along with the predatory game animals pursued by hunters, electronic predator calls can also attract raptors such as hawks, falcons and eagles.
Tips and Tricks for Electronic Predator Calls
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