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New Advanced Whitehead Acne Treatment Options Examined
Stop and think about it for a minute.
If it was all just that easy to treat his kind of condition with products found around the home, don't you think that it would be common knowledge by now? The Search for Permanent Cure Goes On The truth, is that much about all types of acne and its causes still remain a mystery.
Why do some treatments work so well on one person but will have no effect on another? Why does one person have a mild case while his twin brother may have a severe case.
Just ask any dermatologist and he or she will tell you that it's basically hit or miss in finding the one treatment regimen that works best for you.
This means that you must be prepared to use trial and error with a number of treatment options imn order to find what works best for you.
Look Into Food Allergies as a Potential Cause If you are in luck your whitehead acne condition may be at least partly the result of a common food allergy.
The first one to check would be milk products, so eliminate all of them from your diet and give it a few weeks or more for results to manifest themselves if they do.
New Advanced Skin Treatment Products on the Market Definitely take a good look at the new skin exfoliant products that have replaced grit with mild acid solutions.
These types of new acid based skin treatment products are able to go beyond the surface and dissolve away coagulated oils and dead skin cells deep inside of skin pores.
New Advanced Benzoil Peroxide Treatment Products Also, there are now a number of multi-staged benzoil peroxide treatment regimens on the market that have produced impressive results in clinical tests.
Obagi has one that contains a new chemically engineered deeper penetrating type of benzoil peroxide that has been receiving rave reviews from people who have used it.
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