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Developing Network Marketing Leaders Within Your Group
Developing Business Leaders reduces your role of sponsor.
Your role changes to that of Leader, Teacher and Motivator.
Your sponsoring role never stops.
But it does reduce as your focus changes to Leading your group.
Recognition increases your earning potential and gives you a sense of accomplishment from moving forward.
Recognition on its own, however, does not make you a leader.
There are generally 2 types of Leadership in Network Marketing:
- Leadership acquired by negotiated appointment.
You are given a leadership role based on acquired Leadership status.
Reaching a new level is an acquired leadership role. - The second Leadership type is the act of actually leading a group.
You become a Mentor.
You are someone others can rely on and look to for advice.
People you have personally sponsored will begin to show their own commitment to the business they are building.
These people will become leaders within you business.
Comparing this Leadership development to the traditional Business model, this would be like you being the CEO of your own company and you assisting others to become your manager/s.
Your role will then become assisting your managers to become the CEO of their own business group.
This is where Network Marketing is more ethical than traditional business.
In a typical company, there can be only one boss.
In Network marketing the aim is to have everyone reaching the same level.
When looking to develop leaders within your group, you will need to look for existing displays of Leadership:
- People who regularly attend gatherings either held by you, your upline or the Network Marketing Company you represent.
- People who ring you with questions or for advice on a regular basis.
- People who regularly order product and have a retail customer base if applicable.
- People who have developed a goal and a plan to reach them goals
- People who naturally motivate themselves tend to have the most influence when it comes to developing a motivational pattern in others.
Not necessary the same ideas or goals but the attitude will be similar.
Leadership requires a state of attitude and belief in ones self and in the people they are leading.
We can't find something in others we are unable to find in ourselves.
In many cases, Leaders surface within a Business group by default not out of an action of seek and find.
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