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How to Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium Based on Pure Assumption
Do nothing.
Just go out and buy the first fish aquarium which comes into your mind and that way you can be sure of successful failure.
An important point here is to make sure you do not measure up the space available in your home as this would point you in the direction of success.
Remember, you must assume everything if you want failure.
Getting a tank based on assumption will ensure your failing at the first hurdle.
Next, do not check out any information on the internet or in books or magazines on how fish can live happily together as you need to remain ignorant as to which fish will eat other as this is a major factor in your failure.
Some fish will of course eat the plants, but for continuing failure it is best that you don't know which ones these are.
At no point must you research information regarding water preparation as this will ensure a healthy life for all your fish which in turn will cause success.
No, you must assume that the water will be just fine left to it's own devices, creating the failure which is mandatory with assumption.
With your fish in the tank when you start a tropical freshwater fish aquarium, be sure to feed them any old thing you can get your hands on as this increases the chances of their life time being extremely unhealthy and very limited.
In assuming the fish will eat anything your chances of failure will be extremely high of course.
I mean, do you really want a successful fish aquarium? So come on folks, assume, assume and assume.
That way you'll have a fish aquarium which will last less than a month and the hobby will be over before you can say great white shark.
Assumption will bring with it failure.
If you want failure then assume away, but if you want success - assume nothing.
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