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Clown Loach Fish
The reason is probably their peaceful demeanor and entertaining personality.
If you set up your aquarium incorrectly the clown loach will be shy and spend most of its time in hiding.
However, if you set the aquarium up properly the clown's personality will begin to emerge.
Clown loaches are community fish and thrive when they have at least 4 other clown loaches to hang out with.
When they are happy and well cared for they dance and frolic about (no joke).
The can dance alone (jittery back and forth swim moves) while other watch or they'll dance as a group (a seemingly choreographed even where the clown loaches swim up vertically and then tumble back down over the clown loaches swimming up behind them.
Once back at the bottom of the aquarium they swim up and do the same thing over again).
Caring for a clown loach is relatively easy when you know what to watch out for.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that they don't have scales, so they are more susceptible to parasites than other aquarium fish.
For the same reason, they are more sensitive to medications which makes them harder to bring back to health.
The best way to treat clown loaches apparently, is slowly raising the temperature of the aquarium to 85-90 Degrees F.
Most times medication isn't even needed.
The Clown Loach's natural habit is backwater rivers in South East Asia, especially Sumatra.
Over 25million Clown Loaches are caught in these rivers for commercial distribution.
There are no confirmed accounts of Clown Loaches breeding in aquaria, so the only source is SE Asia.
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