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Clownfish Care

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Clownfish are a very popular saltwater fish.
They are very peaceful and colorful additions to the aquarium.
Clownfish are normally found in the Eastern Indian and Western Pacific Ocean.
Clownfish have been growing in popularity over the years to become one of the most kept saltwater fish.
Before you start to head out and pick up your very own clownfish, there are a couple things you should consider.
In this article I will offer a bit of advice to owning clownfish.
Clownfish do need a fair amount of care as opposed to other fish.
You will need to provide a stable saltwater aquarium for them to live in.
You need to look up the specific instructions for the type of clownfish you want to house and then adjust accordingly with your aquarium size.
After you pick out the aquarium, you are going to need to find the appropriate lighting and filtration systems to place in the aquarium.
You have to have a good filtration system to provide the best possible environment for the clownfish.
Once you get the hang of the basics, you should add a sea anemone that is compatible with the species of clownfish that you pick.
Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with Sea Anemones and it is recommended that you place the two together for the best possible results.
Also you can see how the clownfish interacts with the anemone.
Anemones can be very hard to keep alive in the aquarium, and it is definitely not recommended for beginning aquarium owners.
Sea Anemones generally do not live more than 2 years even with the experienced aquarium owner.
You should provide a mate for your clownfish.
Clownfish do much better in pairs, and they can also produce their offspring in the aquarium.
Clownfish have an amazing ability to switch sexes, but all clownfish are first born as males.
You can pair a male and a female together and then breed them to keep or sell their offspring.
It is quite a sight to see parent clownfish swimming around with their litter in the aquarium.
The fry will take some time to grow up, and if you are serious about breeding your clownfish, there are some very interesting and in depth guides on the internet that I would recommend looking at.
I hope you found this article helpful in your pursuit of owning clownfish.
Anemones are definitely not required to enjoy the ownership of your clownfish.
Just setup your aquarium with plenty of rocks with nooks and crannies for your fish to swim through.
Owning a clownfish will take a little bit of practice to get the hang of, but don't be discouraged.
If you pay close attention to your pets needs, you should never have a problem with keeping the clownfish.
I recommend you browse many sites on the internet to get a better picture on the specific needs of your clownfish, there are plenty of online retailers that are more than happy to go through all the details of keeping this fish.
Thank you for reading the article, and good luck with your new pet!
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