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Wyoming Juvenile Probation Laws

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    • Rules are an important part of juvenile probation.banlieue 9 image by Nathalie P from Fotolia.com

      The Wyoming juvenile justice system is in place to assist young individuals with getting their lives and priorities in line. The probation department oversees juvenile individuals awaiting trial for crimes they are accused of committing and may also be involved in the sentences to be served by the juveniles. The ultimate goal of the juvenile justice system is to successfully discharge the juvenile and prevent his return into the criminal justice system. For the juvenile to be discharged from the juvenile probation program successfully, several rules must be followed. Not following the conditions of probation may result in probation revocation, which may ultimately lead to detention for the term of the sentence.

    Maintain Contact With the Probation Officer

    • One of the conditions of the probation is that the juvenile keep in touch with and report to the probation officer as instructed. This is one of the most important rules, because the probation officer is the person who will be reporting the progress of the case to the courts. The probation officer will make written reports and may also be called to speak before the court in regard to the conduct of the juvenile. In many cases, the report of the probation officer weighs heavily on the disposition of the case.

    Follow the Rules of the Parents

    • Another rule of probation is that the juvenile follow all of the household rules, which include meeting curfew guidelines. A juvenile may have previously failed to follow the rules of the home, and this has to be remedied if the child is to remain in the home. The rules include being respectful of the parent's wishes, doing chores and not running away from home.

    Do Not Commit Any New Offenses

    • Another major rule to be followed as part of the probation program is not to commit any new offenses of any kind, no matter how minor they may seem. A commission of a new offense is a probation violation that may lead to revocation of the probation and detention of the juvenile.

    Educational Requirements

    • Attending all classes as scheduled is a major rule of juvenile probation. The juvenile is also required to complete all assignments and make satisfactory progress in school. It is also important for the juvenile to stay out of trouble at school, because the probation officer will be in touch with a counselor or liaison at the school. The probation officer will also make unannounced visits to the school to make sure the student is in attendance and is displaying acceptable behavior.

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