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Creating a Shared Custody Plan
In order to make an effective plan, you need specific sections that are oriented toward the needs of your children.
What are the most important and necessary sections that make up an effective plan?
- Residential and school schedules: This schedule consists of everyday happenings of your children.
This is the everyday schedule of where your child spends time.
It is also termed as a repeating cycle of custody.
It is the foundation of any custody plan and determines how parental time is spent with the children. - Holiday schedule: This is a schedule that shows which parent cares for the children on holidays and for special events.
It will take precedence over the regular everyday schedule.
As you create a holiday schedule, keep in mind holiday traditions you have started and that your children enjoy so they get the best out of the holidays. - Vacation times and school breaks: The residential or regular schedule changes when school breaks and vacation times come around.
A schedule for vacations and school breaks takes precedence over the regular schedule just like the holiday schedule does.
With this schedule, it is wise to include information about where vacations and breaks are spent as well. - Extra information and provisions: Provisions and extra information help to make one-time changes or to the original custody plan.
This may also include provisions like how transportation and exchanges are made, the right of first refusal and how parental disputes are resolved.
You may also include rules like how parents communicate with each other and that both parents cannot speak negatively about one another in front of the children.
This extra information and additional provisions will make your custody plan work much better.
Keeping a journal of when actual events and visits happen will help you know if the plan is being followed, if changes need to be made to make it more effective and how well the plan is working.
With this information, you should be able to make the best shared custody plan for your family's situation.
Do what is best for your children by making a plan that works.
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