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How to Choose the Best Natural Sleep Aids to Get a Good Night"s Sleep
You need to look for a sleep aid that contains certain natural sleep herbs.
One particular sleep herb to look out for is Valerian.
Valerian has long been used as a remedy for insomnia.
The way that valerian works is that it affects the levels of the calming neurotransmitter GABA therefore helping people fall asleep.
Valerian supplements should be taken an hour before bedtime and can take roughly two to three weeks to start to work effectively.
It must be noted that you should not take a valerian supplement for more than three months a time.
Valerian has been shown in clinical trials to be effective in helping people relax and gently fall asleep.
The benefits of using a natural sleep herb such a Valerian is: -Higher energy levels -The ability to fall asleep in a natural way -Being more alert when awake -Able to get up in the morning much more easily -Have a natural and regular sleep pattern There are a number of reasons why a person is looking to a natural sleep aid to help them get a good night's sleep.
It can be a person who has changed shift patterns at work or is suffering from jet-lag.
The majority of people though are looking for a sleep aid because for some reason or other they are having trouble falling asleep in everyday life.
It could be for one of the following reasons: -Stress at work -Financial problems -Family troubles -Over tiredness -Poor diet If you are looking to a natural sleep aid for a good nights sleep then look for one that contains Valerian.
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