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Using Chicken Coop Plans to Design and Build a Poultry House
A lot of people do not realize exactly how important the planning stage is.
You need to decide whether you want a small coop or a large one and you need to think about the location.
Materials are also important, try and obtain the best you can! Some people's opinion of how much space a chicken needs will vary.
Usually, most experts will suggest somewhere in the region of 3-5 square foot per chicken to allow the animals to feel comfortable.
On the same note, the run should have a lot of space for them to roam around.
Around 9 square foot per animal should be adequate.
Maintaining a coop can be extremely annoying, especially if the access points on the coop are small.
For this reason, it is usually a good idea to make it at head height.
This will also allow for easy egg collection as well! Rain can be extremely problematic for poultry owners.
Once the ground become wet it will start to soak through the poultry house and flood it.
For this reason raising the house off the ground slightly will be an important design and planning aspect of this DIY project.
Once you have planned this, you need to make it secure.
A lot of predators will be aiming to get hold of your chickens, so using the chicken coop plans, try and figure out as many ways as possible to secure the coop adequately.
So what is the next step? Well, a good start would be to use some chicken coop plans and start planning your DIY build!
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