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Cleaning Chicken Coops - You"re Chicken Coop Check-Up
However, do you remember how your bedroom looked when you were a kid? Was it spotlessly cleaned and orderly? Or did it look like a train wreck had crashed and burned inside? If you're like me, and about 85% of other kids, your room probably looked like a tornado had rolled through earlier in the day.
Kids typically survive, and somehow thrive, in that type of environment.
At least those of us with more laid back attitudes survived...
right? So, if we can live through the mess, our chickens can too right? Well...
NO! There's a rule you need to understand when dealing with the health of your flock.
For some reason, birds were created with incredibly high metabolism rates.
So, if something goes wrong for chickens...
it goes wrong FAST.
And it can harm them quickly.
So you have to keep their environment clean, healthy, and well-maintained.
That's why it's so important to keep the 'cleaning chicken coops rule' in mind when caring for your flock.
Here are some basic rules to keep in mind for maintaining your poultry house: Chicks need better sanitation than adults.
Replace their floor cover every week, and top scraping every day until ten weeks of age.
Adults need floor covering changes every two to four weeks (depending on conditions), with one or two times weekly top scraping.
Four times a year you should completely clean with quaternary ammonia or another virus-killing compound.
Plus - you want to make sure the chickens can get out of any moisture on the ground.
Standing water in their living conditions is NOT good! Of course, many folks won't get to this level of cleanliness with their chickens.
If you asked the average chicken owner, they would tell you they scrape the floor every week or two, they change the flooring every month, and they only deep clean once or twice a year.
Of course, there are always owners who go to either extreme - BUT if you could get an average that's probably what you would find.
So you need to decide for yourself.
For those of us who don't have the money, or time, to invest in super-chickens, we need to make sure we take good care of our flock.
If they are healthy and happy, they'll do well.
If not, they won't survive long.
That is why cleaning chicken coops is so vital for the long-term success of your flock.
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