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Getting Your Ex Back - How to Make Your Ex Unable to Live Without You
Very hurt, angry and absolutely devastated that your relationship has ended.
All you want at this point in time is to get your ex back, and you don't really care what you have to do to achieve this.
You are even contemplating camping outside your ex's door if you have to, just to prove to him/her just how miserable you are feeling.
DON'T do this! You might feel that this is what you have to do right now, but guess what? All you will do is push your ex even further away from you.
You have to make you rex want you back so badly that he/she will practically beg you to come back.
Stay away from your ex for a while.
This does sound rather ridiculous to you, but try it, and you'll see that in a very short while you WILL succeed and get your ex back.
He/she is expecting you to come crying and begging to get back together, so do just the opposite.
Don't see your ex, don't beg and plead.
Instead hang around with your friends and family for a few days or a week or two, however long it takes.
Enjoy your life as much as you can, but keep yourself busy all the time.
Your ex is probably sitting at home just waiting for your call.
After a few days, he/she will start to worry about the fact that you aren't bothering to contact him/her.
Of course, when your ex speaks to your mutual friends, he/she is going to hear that you are carrying on with your life without him/her quite happily.
This is going to really bother you ex very much.
After a few more days, he/she won't be able to stand it any longer, and will make contact with you.
When you get this call, you can assure yourself that very soon you will get your ex back.
He/she is missing you like crazy and wants more than ever to get back together with you again, to be happy WITH, and not watch you enjoy your life without him/her.