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Stop the Spread of Cold and Flu Germs
Wash your hands. It's the single best way to avoid a cold. Once germs are on your hands, it's easy for them to get into your body when you touch your eyes or mouth.
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Prevent Flu: Soap Away Germs
An icky fact: That elevator button or door knob you just touched? It likely has flu germs on it. If you're avoiding the flu, take note. Then wash those hands. Do it the right way -- and do it often, several times a day!It's true -- germs can live on any surface for two hours or more. If someone in your office or school is infected, those germs can reside on anything they've touched -- desks, phones, coffee pots, microwaves, cafeteria tables, toys, books.When flu prevention experts advise you...
Read the Prevent Flu: Soap Away Germs article > >
Do it thoroughly:
- Use soap and water.
- Scrub for at least 20 seconds.
- Wash before you eat or prepare food and after you use the bathroom or change a diaper.
- If you're taking care of someone who's sick, wash your hands before and after being with them.
Use hand sanitizer. It's the next best thing if you can't get to a sink. Keep a small bottle with you -- at work, in your car, and in your purse. Buy one with at least 60% alcohol. Rub it all over your hands until they're dry.
Cover your nose and mouth. It's one of the best ways to keep a cold or flu away from your friends. Cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw it out right away. If you don't have one with you, don't cough into your hand. You'll just smear germs on the next thing you touch. Instead, cough into the crook of your elbow.
Disinfect your space. You don't need to spend all day spraying disinfectant on every surface of your house. Still, if someone in your family is sick, use one to wipe down high-traffic spots: computers, phones, doorknobs, and TV remotes.
Use disposables. Cold and flu germs can cling to fabric. So when someone in your house is sick, replace cloth hand towels and dishrags with paper towels. Remove water glasses and add paper cups in the bathroom, too.
Get a flu vaccine. Anyone over 6 months old should get one. It's especially important if you're in a group that doctors say is at high risk for getting sick:
- Children
- Adults older than 50
- Women who will be pregnant during flu season
- Nursing home residents
- People with asthma or a long-term heart or lung condition
- People with diabetes or another condition that weakens the immune system -- the body's defense against germs
- Health care workers
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