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Does Gargling Wlth Salt Water Ease a Sore Throat?
Does Gargling Wlth Salt Water Ease a Sore Throat?
Gargling with warm salt water won't magically fix your sore throat, however. "It’s certainly not going to cure a viral infection," says Segal-Maurer. "It’s not enough [salt] to have an antiviral effect.”
Give it a try, though, if you want to feel a bit better. There are plenty of different salt-water-gargle recipes out there. The Mayo Clinic advises mixing one tablespoon of salt to eight ounces of warm water; suggests adding a bit of honey to help with the taste. Currie, meanwhile, says that “a teaspoon of salt into a quart of water” is about the right concentration.
In addition to soothing a sore throat, gargling with warm salt water helps relieve toothache symptoms as well. And minus the salt, regular gargling of plain water may help prevent upper respiratory tract infections, according to research. We find that advice easy to swallow.
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