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Article Writing Tips - J is For Journey
Anyway, we're up to the letter J, which stands for journey.
You're probably wondering what the word journey has to do with writing articles.
Well, don't worry, by the time you're done reading this article, you'll understand.
Ready? Let's begin OUR journey.
When a reader sits down to read an article, they do so with certain expectations.
Now obviously, these expectations are going to be different depending on what kind of article they're reading.
Some people read articles to be entertained.
Some read to get information.
Others will read simply because they enjoy reading.
In each case, the last thing the person reading wants to be is bored to death.
This boredom can come from many things, the most common being that the writing itself is just plain dull.
But there is another kind of boredom...
the kind that comes from knowing exactly where this article is going.
It's like they could have written it themselves.
There is no mystery.
The journey, from point A to point B, is one that they could have mapped out before they even read one word.
In other words, they either got nothing new out of the article or the journey was dull, to say the least.
Great, so how do we provide the reader with a journey that will hold their interest? Well, one way is by having a title for the article that holds a little mystery.
Maybe ask a question like, "Would $3,000 A Month Interest You For One Day Of Work?" Naturally, this title is going to get their attention if they're looking for articles on earning extra cash.
Right away, they're thinking, "Wow, how can I do this?" Then, in the intro for your article, you want to ease into things.
Don't spill the beans right away.
Hint that a simple solution to their money problems is right around the corner.
And then, in paragraph two, begin the story.
Maybe start with how you stumbled onto this method.
Don't give the method yet.
A little back story will keep them interested.
If you give away the ending at the start, there is no need to read further.
Through the article, give more and more info until finally, at the end,.
give the main points on how to achieve this income.
Ultimately, what you will have done is provided a journey that was interesting, exciting and gave the reader what they were looking for.
Yes, it's THAT easy.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim