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Type 2 Diabetes - High Blood Sugar Levels Lead to Neuropathy!

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Over half of all people with Type 2 diabetes have some form of neuropathy, or nerve damage.
The longer a person has had Type 2 diabetes, the more likely nerve damage is to occur.
Neuropathy can be contributed to by several different factors, and can result in many different complications, some of which are severe.
How Diabetic Neuropathy Starts: Excess glucose in the blood for many years causes damage to the walls of the smallest blood vessels.
These vessels nourish the nerves responsible for sending messages to the brain about pain, temperature and touch, as well as orders from your brain telling muscles when and how to move.
The nerves in the extremities are particularly vulnerable to diabetic neuropathy, and usually show signs of damage first.
Peripheral Neuropathy: Also known as sensorimotor neuropathy, this is the most common type of neuropathy in diabetics.
It manifests with pain, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, and/or weakness in the arms and legs.
A 'pins and needles' or burning feeling is commonly reported, and people with diabetes are prone to stumbling or falling due to leg weakness and not having feeling in their feet.
Peripheral neuropathy can also result in ulcers or sores which are slow to heal.
Autonomic Neuropathy: Autonomic neuropathy affects the nerves which control the various systems in your body, and can cause people with Type 2 diabetes to develop serious conditions resulting from the damage done to small blood vessels.
Problems with the digestive system such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or heartburn are common.
So are urinary issues such as bladder infections, weakness or loss of control.
Decreased sex drive and sexual dysfunction can also occur.
Some diabetics find they either sweat uncontrollably or don't sweat at all.
Many develop night blindness or other vision problems.
Eventually, if blood glucose levels are not controlled, blood vessels around your heart can be affected and major heart failure can result.
Indications that the heart is affected are dizziness, fainting spells, and a racing or erratic heartbeat.
Other Types of Diabetic Neuropathy: In addition to autonomic and peripheral neuropathy, people with Type 2 diabetes can also suffer from diabetic amyotrophy, a weakness and painful wasting away of the muscles (usually in the legs).
Charcot's joint involves the joints and bones in the feet...
after sensation is lost and injuries go unnoticed, the foot can become misshapen and deformed due to bone damage.
Cranial neuropathy affects the nerves connected to the brain, and can cause severe facial pain...
generally starting on one side of the face near the eye.
Once glucose levels are under control, the symptoms often resolve.
Compression neuropathy often manifests as carpal tunnel syndrome, when a specific nerve is compressed at the wrist.
Good blood sugar control is the most effective single way to improve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, which may disappear over time.
New drugs have been approved for the treatment of neuropathic pain and include:
  • duloxetine hydrochloride (Cymbalta).
    Cymbalta is an antidepressant that can relieve neuropathic pain
  • pregabalin (Lyrica).
    This is a pain reliever which binds to the nerve cells and decreases pain.
    Unfortunately it does not improve the neuropathy
To prevent damage to both small and large blood vessels the best plan is to have strict control of both your blood sugar and HbA1c levels.
It is possible for people with Type 2 diabetes to prevent neuropathy from occurring...
it is even possible to slow its progression.
Source: ...
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