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Aphids and Black Sooty Mold
Over time, severe aphid infestations have the potential for serious damage, decline and death of important landscape plants.
Aphids (and scale insects) are responsible for other problems as well.
Have you ever noticed that sticky mess under your roses, Crape Myrtles, Hackberry's, Ash trees Maples & other aphid-prone trees and shrubs? This is honeydew.
It is secreted by the insects as a byproduct of their feeding, their waste.
Interestingly, it is also a food source for many ant species.
These ants, which may also invade your home, will tend, transport and protect aphids.
Honeydew is an excellent growth medium for black sooty mold and other fungi.
These fungi will grow in the honeydew no matter what surface it's on; Plant material, patios, walkways, lawn furniture and automobiles.
These fungi are unsightly and can, when present in sufficient quantities on leaves, block sun light thus reducing photosynthesis and carbohydrate production.
This can have a significant, negative impact on the health of your trees, shrubs and other landscape plants.
There are natural methods available to control these important pests.
Most notably predator insects, such as Ladybird Beetles, Lacewings, Leatherbacks and others.
Often these insect predators or their eggs, can be purchased at your local nursery or garden supply center.
When you use them be sure to follow instructions, if given.
Ladybird Beetles (Ladybugs), in many cases, have been stored in cool temperatures to keep them dormant prior to sale.
Once warmed up and released, their first instinct will be to fly and mate.
As a result, your Ladybugs may end up in your neighbor's yard and vice versa.
So try to gain their cooperation in the effort.
There are also organic pest control products and more conventional ones.
Control is a little more difficult to achieve when using natural products, but some people still prefer to use them in an effort to be more environmentally sensitive.
More conventional pest control products seem, generally, to achieve good results with less work.
When using pest control products whether "organic" or conventional, be sure to read and follow all label instructions.
The label is the law and using these products in a manner inconsistent with the label is a violation of federal law.
In addition, improper use of pest control products by home owners and do-it-yourselfers is a significant contributing factor in the pollution of our environment.
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