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What Is a Platform Artist?
A platform artist is first and foremost a brand ambassador. Platform artists are in charge of selling their companies beauty products. How they sell these products breaks down to immense talent as an educator, public speaker and an entertainer. They attend trade shows where they pack the auditorium with viewers for their product demonstration. These demonstrations are a lively, fun, and educational experience for all in attendance. There are three main keys to success as a platform artist: teaching, sales and charisma.
To become a platform artist, you must be a product expert for your company. Knowing all the ins and outs of the product allows the artist to answer all questions pertaining to the product. Their job is to share knowledge with hands on demonstrations with the product or tool. They need to break down the features and benefits of the product while instructing other cosmetologists on proper technique.
Once again, their main purpose is to sell the product. They differ from other salespeople as they sell the experience of using this particular product. They are the stars of the industry trade show. They show how fun and easy it can be to use this product. They also answer all questions and interact with the crowd. All of these factors boost sales for the beauty company.
Charisma is what actually gets all the potential customers to want to attend the show. No one wants to hear someone stand in front of a crowd and simply show them how a product works. If someone has music, some high energy, some lights, and a great personality, everyone will want to be part of the show. A great platform artist will have the audience glued to their seats they won't even know they are learning.
These artists are the rock stars of the cosmetology world. Everyone wants to be one, but few will become one. La' James International College has experience working with and producing top-notch platform artists. Visit their website to learn more about career opportunities in cosmetology at
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