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Slim And Beautiful Body
The hands down to lifting the public muscles upward from the squeeze on left others that your muscles and higher alright so that's just hands and how this what the outer body be abet softer work with the arms down how this really lifting and try that one more time on your last one only have it forward walk back to the center if you're mad little bit why your feet the path in here Ax tell it out now slowly plant the way down to your right foot bring your hands to your chest palms together and work. I'm lifting with the front of your pelvis and spine the left knee toward your chest and send any back a little bit or maybe all the way into a warrior three stance in hell Ben that standing me and restored the her on your act pale gather are back up tithe chest in the belly in hell warrior three pulses a little goes a long way acts have come on up good in hell passed down an act hello beautiful and help I'll sit-down place the fingertips down link then and fold over the lead for a standing split yes the little one.
Then play at the left foot down switch sides plant that left footing around it with the front belly and how this lifting a lot with that right knee into the chest hands at Master a An dale can be better straight up there but any help ended down Reached arms for the earth Together it up front how this lift up as the foot presses down inhale reach act area go for it yet because it's really major transformer here exhale alright neon helping going all the way down to the earth lift up the belly and gently fold over that leg standing split of me both P come together. Here slowly lower it down to the earth it's so great today one more little thing and then will stretch it out and you'll be Finley no alright reach your arms for rent or hands now must if that's more comfortable come into NE Astana the press the sit bones down again full circle right up through the spine I some long in hell a fan out a little or a lot exhale come on out maybe no hands maybe you need a hand in hell link then exhale humor inhale and exhale yet slower FLAWLESS RASPBERRY KETONE toward the earth cover for a moment in hell.
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