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Don"t Just Work for Money-Let Money Work for You!
This is the art of taking small sums of money to move larger amounts.
Many young people waste their 20's getting into debt buying flashy products.
This is the decade when you usually don't yet have a family and is the best time to lay the foundation for future riches.
Learn about using options to buy real estate for example.
Also live well below what you are earning say 10-20% below.
Use the excess money to save and invest.
Learn to get value for money in the products and services you buy.
Ninety percent of people are hypnotized by advertising into becoming consumers.
They lazily buy products and services many of which are mere toys to make them feel happy.
Ten percent use their imagination and creativity to generate wealth usually by doing something they genuinely love.
Writers,songwriters and software creators are examples of people who work intensely for a while and then sit back and earn royalties on their creative work.
If you have vision,guts,gumption,discipline and determination you can create your own company.
Many examples abound of businesses started in a garage( Apple) or dorm room (Google)that are billion dollar enterprises.
We live in an age where imagination and the intangible can be marketed easily.
Try creating an internet business! If you like the stock market begin to notice trends.
Look for stocks just staring out.
Those in the $5-$10 range.
Learn all you can about the company,the sector and its products.
Use both your intellect and intuition.
Ride them to the top.
Most of all do some serious work on your feelings about wealth and money.
Many of us are screwed up by family myths or cultural beliefs about wealth and success in making money.
I recommend Harv Eker's " Secrets of The Millionaire Mind" and his Millionaire Mind Intensive seminars.
They fast track you on the way to thinking wealthy by replacing negative beliefs about money and wealth with positive ones.
Finally I would advise reading Stuart Wilde's "The Little Money Bible" (Hay House 1998).
In an amusing but effective way he teaches you the Ten Laws of Abundance.
It's a small book.
Read it over and over until you master the basic concept--Money, like everything else on the planet, is a form of energy.
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