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3 Famous Engineers From Aerospace, Chemical and Electrical Engineering Backgrounds
Initially this industry was focused on aeroplanes and flight technology but it has expanded to also run the operation of outer space aircraft.
Some of the issues that aerospace engineers have to deal with include temperature change and control, atmospheric pressure and flight planning.
They deal with these issues by using technologies such as aerodynamics, avionics, propulsion and material science.
Wernher von Braun Wernher von Braun made a significant impact in the development and advancement of rocket technology in America and Germany.
However, some found his work very controversial because he did some work on a Nazi rocket programme and there was even a song written about him! Wernher had an interest in space and astronomy from a very early age and his mother supported his interest by buying him a telescope.
Wernher went to the Berlin Institute of Technology where he became a prominent member of the Spaceflight Society.
A few years later he earned a doctorate in physics and received a research grant to work on a rocket test site.
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineers work to combine both Chemistry and Engineering in an intelligent way in order to closely study the production of chemicals.
Henry Bessemer Bessemer was an English Engineer born in 1813.
He is best known for his division of the Bessemer process which was used in the manufacture of steel.
This was a very well known process that was implemented worldwide and was very important to the industry at the time.
It resulted in steel dropping significantly in price and being used for a huge variety of things for the first time.
Bessemer invented another very important process, the decarbonisation of cast iron.
He also invented a great deal of other things and coming up with revolutionary ideas was his passion.
Electrical Engineering Electrical engineering is centred around the study of electricity.
However, what many people don't realise is that it covers a variety of subjects and industries such as electromagnetism, control systems, telecommunications and power.
Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was an American businessman who also spent a great deal of his time attempting to come up with new inventions.
Consequently he invented a wide range of useful ideas and devices.
He was most famous for using the principles of mass production to enhance the process of invention.
Thomas Edison came up with so many ideas that he ended up obtaining 1,093 patents for his vast array of inventions.
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