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What Do House Geckos Eat?
- Bowls of water can be left in a gecko tank but it is recommended that you mist water into the tank daily, which allows the gecko to drink water from plants as they do in the wild.
- Younger geckos should be fed daily, but adult geckos are able to be fed every other day.
- Geckos enjoy a diet of mealworms, waxworms, crickets, butterworms and fruit flies. These can be raised by the pet owner or purchased elsewhere. It is advised not to feed the gecko insects that have been caught in the wild as they may have been exposed to diseases that could harm your gecko.
- Gut loading is done by feeding your insects a type of food that is high in vitamins a day before feeding them to your gecko. This insect food can be purchased at pet stores.
- Calcium and vitamin supplements that are sold in pet stores in a dust form should be sprinkled on food insects prior to feeding them to your gecko once or twice a week.
Feeding Schedule
Gut Loading
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