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Find Hot and Lucrative Niches the lazy way
There is no real calculation that anyone can point to and say "that's the perfect combination" for number of searches per month and competing websites, therefore it is down to each marketer's level of experience, abilities, or work-rate. The real issue is that many new, or even moderately experienced, marketers have real issues in easily identifying profitable niches, and the effective keywords that will enable them to dominate that niche.
Many Internet Marketing (IM) courses focus on providing information on how to use Google's Free Keyword Tool because of the assumption that most marketers are trying to get started without spending any money. Although this method can obviously provide the correct data, it relies upon the user to insert the right base data, and then understand the results. There is no big flashing sign that says "GOOD NICHE" so often marketers miss great niches through inexperience, over-thinking it, or just not using the tool correctly.
The next best investment in identifying solid gold niches is to invest in reputable keyword tools like Micro Niche Finder. With full instructions, training videos, and an active community, the software makes identifying niches even easier by scoring the results so that you can easily see whether a niche is worth investigating, and then provides all the relevant data so you can formulate the correct strategy for getting high search engine rankings.
Any method you choose to identify the most profitable niches will take some time and effort to perfect and get right, and this is where many marketers fall along the wayside as they struggle to make their first dollar, or to make enough per month to pay for their hosting. The learning curve for keyword research or niche identification is the same as for anything, it takes education and practice before real success is achieved, unless there's some luck involved.
The only method to shortcut this process is to buy keywords from a trusted marketer who is providing niches and keywords already researched. This is the lazy way to success as any good marketer will want everybody who receives these researched lists to be successful so that their own reputation will be very positive for when the next series of keywords are released. (A series is a set of keywords and niches limited to avoid too many marketers using the same keywords and niches). These keywords can be used to exploit fresh and lucrative niches, or at the very least, as learning exercise to discover what it takes to identify new niches with low competition keywords and make some serious money.
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