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Is Raising Quail With Other Animals Acceptable?

103 17
Raising quail with any other type of animal such as chickens, rabbits, love birds, etc.
, is setting your quail up for disaster.
When raising quail, one of your main management concerns is the prevention of disease.
When you have your quail in the same containment area with any other type of animal, the chance of your quail contracting some type of disease increases dramatically.
Yes, it will save on the amount of space required and yes, it can save time on management.
I have heard a minute amount of breeders boast about the fact that they raise their quail with chickens or other types of birds and have been doing so for years.
They contend that their quail is quite healthy, and it works out very well for them.
I can assure you that these quail breeders are walking on thin ice and have put their quails lives in serious jeopardy.
Even though these different animals may co-exist well together the problem lies in what can and will happen.
Over 90 percent of premature death in quail could be prevented by proper management.
Okay, your quail is healthy and doing very well in the environment you have put them in.
Well, they may be doing okay now but this type of environment is extremely dangerous.
First of all, your management due to the other animals being there will probably less than needed.
For those who do not know what I mean by management, this is the daily routine of cleaning.
As you know, most quail disease is caused by quail eating their own droppings.
The management schedule that you should have in place is a cleaning routine that prevents this as much as possible.
Once quail reaches the age of maturity their immune system is fully developed and resistance to disease is very good.
However, the other animals that they are being raised with will usually have a much better immune system.
These animals can show little or no sign of disease but be carrying a disease that could wipe out your whole quail flock.
Even if you have an excellent management program in place, you cannot follow these animals around all day cleaning up after them immediately.
This will eventually cause a major setback in your raising quail venture.
There is a chance that the adult quail may look like disease free and also become carriers, if that happens it will be passed along through the eggs and new chicks.
They will die.
The very good and dedicated quail breeders will keep anyone who has even been near other animals away.
Some go as far as keeping special disinfected suits and shoe coverings for potential customers that what to view the quail.
It is of my opinion, and the opinion of numerous other quail breeders, that raising quail with other animals can and will eventually cause you problems.
You may be already raising your quail in this type of environment.
You may even be seeing success by doing so, but I can assure you that it will backfire sooner or later.
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