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Get Your Ex Back - 6 Winning Tips to Get Your Lover Back
It's almost certain that at certain points in the relationship both parties have made mistakes.
Maybe something has been said or done that shouldn't have been.
Providing these mistakes are not of major importance and only occur occasionally, most relationships will survive and prosper.
If however the mistakes are major and happen frequently then the relationship can be put into severe jeopardy.
Many more relationships could be saved if only people communicated more with their partners and felt confident in discussing their concerns so as to look at ways of resolving their differences.
What do we if it's past that stage and you have recently broken up and you know it was primarily your fault? What are you going to do if you want to get your ex back? Let's get some things straight.
The first hurdle to be overcome is in your own head.
You need to take full responsibility for repairing the damage that has been done.
A heartfelt and sincere apology will certainly help to heal the rift but it is going to take more than that if you wish to get your ex back and rebuild your relationship.
We all make mistakes in life.
The difference between the winners and losers is often how we deal with the mistakes we've made.
Unfortunately you can't undo the mistakes you made.
How we all wish we could.
You can't turn the clocks back.
However, you can take responsibility to make every effort to get your ex back and make things work better this time.
Making the right decisions and creating the right environment are crucial.
Hopefully the suggestions below will point you in the right direction.
It's important that you feel within yourself that the mistake you made can be put right.
You must believe that your ex will forgive you or you will not be able to make any progress whatsoever.
Try approaching the task of getting your ex back with an inner belief and a positive attitude.
If you've accepted the fact that you made mistakes that's half the battle.
But to rectify those mistakes you must understand why and when you made them so that you know what you need to do to put them right.
Take time to think about what happened.
Think about the circumstances that led to you making the mistake(s).
If the mistake was totally out of character for you and there were contributory factors, simply talking this through with your ex may be all it takes to get your ex back.
If the problem was caused by you acting within your character then the resolution may be a little more challenging.
If you acted through jealousy, pettiness, selfishness or just plain thoughtlessness, you will need to convince your ex that you have made a serious effort to change these behaviors.
You will need to prove you've changed your ways as just saying it won't be enough.
This of course takes time, so give it.
Lastly, and probably most importantly, you simply must communicate.
You must listen, be attentive and think more of your ex's feeling and desires more than your own.
You want to get your ex back.
Firstly prove it to yourself and then to your ex.
Show that you have learned from past mistakes and that you are fully committed to making things work.
And when you are back in the arms of the one you love don't make the same mistakes again as there will be no way back next time.