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What to Do With Old Pianos
- Many old pianos might still sound excellent with the proper care and tuning. Although you might not realize it, you might enjoy learning the piano as a hobby. Learning the piano is a simple, gradual process that can be enjoyed by many. Plenty of learning material is available for free online, and you don't have to devote hours a day into practicing in order to master some simple tunes.
Dust off your old piano and try out the keys. You might be surprised to find that the piano is actually still relatively in tune, and you can start enjoying it immediately. Unfortunately, most pianos will naturally go out of tune over time, and this will be apparent when you hit some of the keys and hear an unpleasant sound. Tuning a piano should be done by a professional, and it can be expensive. If you have your piano tuned and decide that you don't have the time or desire to play it, it's important to realize that having the piano tuned will greatly increase its resale value. - With a little bit of woodworking knowledge and some patience, you can transform your old piano into a computer desk or study area. Many upright pianos feature ornate designs and sturdy constructions that will make for an ideal aesthetic complement to your existing furniture.
Remove the keys, hammers and wires while being careful to not mar the outer appearance of the piano. The wood beneath the keys will serve as an excellent area to rest a computer monitor and keyboard after polishing and perhaps additional construction. Shelves and cabinets can be added to the top of the piano, a great place to store CDs, DVDs and computer manuals. If the piano is very old, consider stripping the finish and applying a fresh coat of varnish. Many pianos are made of beautiful, exotic woods, and can be sturdier than a modern computer desk you'd find at a furniture or office supply store.
Furniture Conversion
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