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Is your hope true or false?

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Is your hope true or false?

Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Terry Dashner, pastor

Albert P. Stauderman writes in his book, Let Me Illustrate (Augsburg Publishing House, 1983), an interesting story. Stauderman writes, "During World War II, the 'cargo cult' developed among the primitive and superstitious natives of New Guinea. As they watched the American soldiers, they observed that whenever something was needed, a merchant ship or plane brought it in. They decided that there was some magic about this, and connected it with the army uniforms. Eagerly they made off with discarded uniforms and even stole uniforms, expecting that this would give them the power to obtain valuable materials, presumably from the white men's gods. Maybe they are still waiting."

This brings me to a topic of discussion--hope. Hope can be true or false. May I ask you a question? Are you planning for a bright future? You should. There is nothing wrong in planning, working, and longing for a prosperous future. With God all things are possible. God is preparing a grand future for us (John 14). This is a Biblical fact. Unfortunately the problem for some is that they are pinning their future on false hopes. This is dangerous. If your hope is based on some kind of magic in the sky, you're magic might disappoint you.

I remember reading this story by the same author who is cited above. At the World's Fair in 1939 at San Francisco, one of the attractions was a pile of money said to total $1,000,000. For 25 cents, visitors were allowed to touch the money. Were they any richer for it, or were they just 25 cents poorer? Again, false ideas and false hopes can rob people even of the little they have.

My prayer for you today is this. I pray that God may bless you with all spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Christ is our true hope. He is our only hope against deception. Jesus is our only hope for a bright and glorious future.

Keep the faith. Stay the course. Jesus is coming soon. This is our blessed Hope.

Pastor T.

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