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Is It Safe For Men To Tell Women How They Really Feel?
In most cases it will only hurt the man and the relationship.
In general, the dynamics of a lasting relationship includes the man having the (invisible) relational authority and the woman, without challenging that, remaining as more of the submisser.
That is the natural relational dynamic which lasts.
Natural women know their place and don't challenge the man's natural authority in the relationship.
Today's independent women immediately want to challenge that timeless fact and it brings up all kinds of byproducts such as a 50% divorce rate.
A natural woman though, doesn't want to become the man or lead the relationship, nor have him do her natural roles which she does best.
The man should also respect and love the woman for the role she is doing while supporting his role (as provider/protector).
With that said, our dynamics have changed.
That's why millions of men are confused.
Men can be themselves in a relationship and their wife will often take over the relationship because of her own development and he doesn't know how to behave around it because it's unnatural (which she doesn't realize).
Those are just some of the dynamics we have today extrapolated into a longer term relationship.
when dealing with the empowered women upfront it just isn't really safe to tell her how a man feels anyways.
Relationships are a balance of power.
Like I already covered; lasting relationships have one unspoken leader (usually the man) and the other (the wife who doesn't challenge his natural authority).
I've seen many relationships where the woman takes on the role of wearing the pants in the family.
Those relationships can last but it's unnatural for a man to be repressed that much and he just puts up with her control.
So if relationships are a delicate power balance, which both parties knew instinctively (and women have developed past their instinctiveness), they are now more of a power balance than ever.
Since First World women now have 'power', relationships of any form become a power struggle or balance of power.
There will be turmoil if there isn't one official 'lead' of the relationship.
Unfortunately, when a man tells a woman 'how he feels' even in a short-term 'dating' relationship, this basically means that he has given up her power to her and she now has the true yet often hidden 'relational authority' of the relationship.
She now 'owns him' and only because of who she is.
Natural women don't have this problem.
They instinctively know their natural role and stay in proper relational dynamic with men which lasts.
Their love will only grow stronger provided he doesn't 'overdo it' and really give the power to her.
With an empowered woman who already has power, if a man says something like this, he looks weak and she has the authority and takes over.
All of this prevents men from telling how they feel unless they're an 'EMO' wussbag who is sprouting out all of his pent up emotions for an 'independent and wonderful' woman.
Unfortunately in the true relational 'power' dynamic, he has given his power up to the woman.
I have to re-emphasize again that natural women do not have this problem.
So while many dating guru's are immediately blaming the men as wussies for showing ANY kind of emotion, they're missing the dynamics which currently exist.
Our female behavior prevents most men from showing any kind of emotion without losing his relational authority.
She'll start losing interest immediately just alone for the fact that she is so developed and the relational power balance is extremely delicate (and many men HAVE become 'fragile').
Many men are fragile because of our media propagation of gay role models instead of masculine alpha models.
This will only grow further in the direction it's going with more and more female 'empowerment'.
Sure, women may want 'men to be men' but the reality is, though it started out as an equality movement, women have grown unnaturally equal..
they've grown 'stronger' and more powerful.
None of this helps real or lasting relationships.
Men don't even have the freedom to tell a woman how he feels.
Heck, even strong men like me who retain authority over a relationship have VERY little squeeze room to express ourselves without her losing immediate interest.
Girls, this is all to your detriment for better and worse.
I predict that you won't change.
You can't because you don't have a supportive 'stimulus' of an environment which has it's priorities on natural attributes and happiness instead of socially-driven 'career' advancement.
Once you develop, it's hard to behaviorally go back to your roots.
The advantage men have is that they can be more balanced and can 'develop' because of their natural (yes I said it) role of head of the house and leader.
So men don't want to be 'wussy'...
they have emotions and I admit that it's gotten out of control but there's a deeper context here.
Other guru's don't realize the full fragile balance of power in a relationship.
Unfortunately for men to be successful with you as a woman who is reading, they will have to repress their emotions in order to avoid swinging the delicate balance of power over into your favor.
And if they do show any sign, you'll lose interest in reality and it's over.
Quite tragic in a way.
One answer for millions of men is to find natural women; women with whom they actually CAN show emotion who will reciprocate the emotion and not lose attraction to him but actually grow stronger in healthy attraction to him.
I've experienced this countless times and that's the natural way of things; it's the way it's meant to be and the natural alpha women are experiencing in reality what the prada's and prickteases only fantasize about because they are in touch with their natural character in their behavioral reality.
That is the natural way of things and it's what millions of developed women are missing.
They can't experience true romance because of their own 'power'.
So men...
if you DO want to show your emotion to a woman..
keep in mind that if you show it to a Prada or Pricktease, you're almost guaranteed to lose your power and she'll have the unnatural favor in the relationship and then will lose interest in you.
If you want to experience and transmute all of this cognitive 'emotion', meet a real natural alpha (outside the U.
) and she'll actually appreciate and love you for it instead of losing interest.
They won't always 'leave you' for it.
Otherwise still I would say for men to tame down their 'emotional response' to our women because as a man you're ALWAYS the stimulus for a woman to respond to anyways.
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