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A Few Things That You Need to Know About Tree Frog Breeding
Surprisingly the way your vivarium is set up is very important to the mood and health of your frogs.
Simply putting a male and a female in a tank together is not going to achieving the results you want.
As well, you may shorten the life span of these little green guys if you don't give them in an environment as close as their natural habitat.
First, you want to set up places for your little green guys to hide.
If you give them the right environment to hide in you will help them stay happy and healthy.
It is proven that the surroundings in a vivarium can dictate how long your little pets are going to live.
Second, if you want to be successful in tree frog breeding you're going to have to make sure you have a male and female frog.
I know this sounds stupid however many people can't determine if their pets are male or female.
A great way to help you figure this is out is to look on their back and if you see a triangle like protrusion between the legs, this will be a female.
This does not always happen and if you're unsure go to the local pet store for help.
Last of all, these little pets can be very fun to take care of if you make sure you're feeding them correctly.
If you try to maintain their diet with a mix of insects and store-bought food you will be able to keep your little pet healthy for a long time.
Some of these wonderful amphibians can have diseases but many of these problems can be fixed if caught early.
Tree frog breeding can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing.
It is always important that when you have a pet that you do as much research as possible because pets rely on their owners to take care of them, feed them and protect them.
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