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What If the Light Feature Goes Out on an Electric Fireplace?
How Your Light Display Should Work
You should have an even-looking flame or ember bed display in your electric fireplace. Two bulbs are used in most brands. This is to light up the logs in the fireplace. If the light feature goes out, it is time to change the bulbs. Most replacement bulbs cost around ten dollars. This will depend on the type of log you are using in the fireplace.
If a Bulb Goes Out
Most electric fireplaces take a 40 watt bulb. If you notice that the log is not burning equally on both sides, it is time to replace one or both bulbs. Turn off the unit before servicing it. Simply unscrew the burned-out bulb and replace it with a new one. Follow the safety instructions to light the fireplace again.
Remove and Replace the Burned-Out Bulb
Your electric fireplace will give you heat and light. Have replacement bulbs on hand in case one burns out. You can then replace the bulb right away.
You will be able to use it all year round whenever you need it. Follow the instructions carefully for safety and upkeep of your unit. It will last a long time.
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