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Snoring in Pregnancy
Snoring is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy and most women snore during the 9 months phase.
Usually the sudden episodes of snoring start during the last trimester during the end of the 6 weeks of pregnancy.
The episodes of snoring can be of different levels ranging from mild noises to extreme high pitched snoring that needs immediate medical attention.
It may be more of a nuisance to the sleep partner as the noise may be a constant disruption to the nightly rest.
Usually snoring during pregnancy may be just an irritability factor but in some cases, it may be a serious issue to worry about.
It may be a good idea to discuss with your health care professional or physician to reduce the snoring levels or at least prevent the onset of other issues.
In many cases, most women were non snorers but after conceiving the sudden snoring is not welcomed.
However, there may be a host of reasons contributing to the onset at this delicate time.
Sinus and nasal congestions are the biggest contributors which add to the extra weight gain leading to snoring during this phase.
However it is a minor or temporary discomfort and usually you stop snoring once the baby is delivered.
It is in rare cases that snoring continues post delivery which may only be due to excess weight especially around the neck and throat region.
Snoring during pregnancy leads to sleep deprivation, fatigue and constant drowsiness which can be reduced by taking safe non snoring remedies.
But before looking up for an effective anti snoring remedies, it is good to know what actually causes you to snore when pregnant.
The inflammation in the nasal passages and extra layers of fat due to increasing weight adds to the condition.
Nasal strips are good for those who snore through the nose, as the adhesive nasal strips allow for wider breathing passages helping you inhale and exhale freely limiting the snoring.
There are a few strips that can be put inside the nose but most people find such strips obtrusive.
However, for mouth snorers, chin straps and throat sprays work well.
The throat and nasal lubricating sprays work well on most snoring individuals as they tighten the throat muscles widen respiratory tracks using safe, non addictive natural elements such as eucalyptus, Evening Primrose, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary and peppermint.
The crux is that with numerous anti snoring remedies available in the market today, there is no need to bear the noise any longer every night.
The side effect of snoring is not just the nightly disturbing noises, but habitual snoring leads to sleep deprivation and low oxygen levels to the brain.
In most cases, snoring passes off and does not affect your health or your child's but sometimes it needs medical attention to avoid further health complications.
Sleep apnea is a remote possibility for those women who are habitual snorers before pregnancy.
For such individuals, getting a regular medical check up and talking to the doctor about snoring becomes important.
Edema, inflammation and swelling can be related to snoring and low oxygen levels in the body.
Some of the anti snoring products are just right at this stage.
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