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Care of Tortoises - FAQ
In order to provide an appropriate home for your tortoise you should do some homework into the different species available to keep in a home enclosure.
Without this knowledge you could end up with a tortoise that will grow to the size of a small dog but require a huge area in which to live! This in turn would require a large expense to equip its home adequately with light and heat let alone the size it would have to be! Therefore research some smaller species better suited to home enclosures who are bred in captivity and will thrive in a well designed home.
Species such as the Horsfield or Pancake would be relatively easy to care for although there are others.
The care of tortoise babies will require you to provide some specialist equipment and understanding of the dietary needs of the particular species you have chosen.
Babies will also need to be watched carefully when it comes time to hibernate.
Do not let a very young baby hibernate as they will not have been able to build up their stamina enough in order to hibernate for a prolonged period.
Instead alter the photo periods and heating in the enclosure in order for your baby to stay awake! Ultimately, the care of a tortoise needs a high level of commitment on your part as its carer.
This is a big responsibility as your baby could outlive you and need to be cared for by your children and even grandchildren!
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