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The Best Easy-Care House Plants
- Peace lily is a blooming houseplant that is easy to grow.Medioimages/Photodisc/Valueline/Getty Images
The peace lily is one of the most popular houseplants available to purchase, for their ease of growth. They can tolerate low lighting, making them good for an office or apartment with limited lighting. They do not have special humidity needs, and will thrive in spite of being forgotten for a while. They will droop slightly when they are thirsty, and they can consume a lot of water. Check your plant frequently, by sticking your finger into the soil, when the plant is first established to learn exactly how often to water. They can even grow in a soil-less environment, such as a vase of water or a Beta bowl. - The snake plant, also called mother-in-law tongue, has wide, flat, spiky leaves that stand straight into the air, with yellow bands around green and silver. It can withstand being forgotten, to the point, that it can go up to two months without being watered, in winter. However, over watering will cause the leaves to wilt or the roots to rot. It likes full sunny locations, but it can tolerate lower or fluorescent lighting, but the colors may change in lower light.
- Spider plants thrive in a hanger, placed in a sunny window.George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Spider plants, also called airplane plants, have clusters of long leaves with stripes of green, white and yellow. It is sold in containers or hanging containers, because it shoots long yellow spikes with white flowers, that turn into small replicas of the larger plant. It likes being watered weekly, but you can tell if it is being over watered if the center leaves of the clusters start looking darker and rotted. Otherwise keep it moist in summer and dryer in winter. The plant needs fertilization once every two to four weeks, but it can withstand less fertilization in winter. - Native to South Africa, jade plants are tropical houseplants. It is a succulent plant with thick, glossy green leaves, on many branches, sometimes flowering tiny white or pale pink flowers. It can grow in full sunny locations to mostly shaded windows, and it can go longer periods with no water. Jade plants prefer to be drier in colder months. You can purchase cacti mix soils or mix sphagnum moss with sand and potting soil, for a healthy plant. They are sometimes found growing in outdoor gardens in desert climates.
- The cast iron plant is a very durable houseplant. It can withstand extreme temperatures, infrequent watering, and any light amount, and it will still look healthy, making this plant a good choice for beginner growers. It has dark green leaves and is sometimes considered plain looking, but its hardiness makes it a good plant for people with busy life styles, or travel often. If it is watered weekly in warmer months, it may bloom rarely, but some cast iron plants never bloom.
Peace Lily
Snake Plant
Spider Plant
Jade Plant
Cast Iron Plant
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