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How to Trim Bougainvillea in a Cold Season
- 1). Pinch soft, new growth to obtain a desired shape and form. This is sometimes referred to as "soft pinching" and involves removal of young, tender growth to promote branching. Remove this growth between your thumb and forefinger, or use pruning shears. New stems will emerge from two or three leaf buds below the place where you have cut. As a vine type of plant, bougainvillea will grow outward from each leaf bud point and create a long stem.
- 2). Prune branches extensively with pruning shears to control size, to create a fuller bush or when moving a plant indoors for the winter. This is called "hard pinching" and involves removal of most of the branch. It can help you control stem growth and maintain a desired shape; you can do it at any point in the year, including after the bloom cycle.
- 3). Prune to shape and control size of container-grown plants. Keep plants compact by cutting back stems to the edge of the container. If growing in a basket, heavy pruning is necessary.
- 4). Remove dead foliage to promote attractive and well-manicured hedges and trees.
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