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Summer Comes in: Save Water!
FACT: The majority of water on the earth is salt water. Only 3% is fresh water and 1% is available for drinking water, because the other 2% is blocked in ice caps.
There are many reasons to save water: first, because water isn't unlimited and we have to conserve it for future generations and find solution to avoid wasting their water. Moreover, water is the foundation of food and life.
Last but not least, saving water in your daily routines saves you money and reduces your bills.
Several ways to save water during the summer
- Water your garden in the morning or evening
Indeed, if you water when the sun is high, it will evaporate very quickly. So, the knack is to sprinkle your plants when the sun is down. Try to water the grass deeply only once or twice a week instead of frequently, better yet just let it go a little drier if there is a really long hot spell…such is the way of nature and why fight it?
- Use a drip irrigation system
A drip irrigation system sends small amounts of water to the roots of plants through a perforated tube, avoiding any excess or wastage. Make sure it is set on a timer or better yet has a rain/humidity sensor so it doesn't switch on if not required.
- Take a shower instead of a bath
Try to take a shower during 2 minutes, it can save up to 1 750 gallons of water per person in your household each year. These days, most of us take showers anyway but just in case there are still some "old ways" people out there. As for the showerhead itself, aim for one that consumes less than 9Litres per minute. You will find leading products on specialized websites like which features amongst others the Methven Kiri Satinjet that achieves less than 6Litres per minute while still providing an enjoyable shower experience.
- Capture water
Get a rain barrel. Keep the rain water and reuse it in your garden for example. There are lots of water-saving techniques to catch water when it falls. If you are really dedicated you can even collect water in a bucket while you do the washing-up or while you wait for the shower to warm up… Use this water to water your plants.
- Install an efficient toilet
Modern day toilets are dual flush and have greatly improved performance. There are many available on the market with 4.5L full flush and 3L half flush, and Caroma produce a model with integrated hand basin, called the Profile 5, which saves resources by allowing the same water to be used for two purposes. Fresh water is first used for hand washing and then flows into the cistern to ultimately flush the toilet
- Use the dishwasher
Washing by hand can often use more water than some of the more efficient modern dish washer models (e.g. 4 energy star and 5 WELS star rated). Be sure thought to only launch the machine if it is full…don't run it half empty as that is not making good use of its potential efficiency
Avoid having a swimming pool, especially the "pop up" ones for the summer…just go to the beach instead.
As you can see, people can change their habits and lifestyle to conserve a little water every day. If we all did this, it could amount to savings enough to fill hundreds of Olympic sized swimming pools each year…. There is something to think about!
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